Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Guitar For Beginners - Basic Music theory - Key Signatures

Sooner or later, almost every starting guitarist develops the desire to progress. Many are confused with regard to direction. In other words, many ponder their educational path. With so much data available, it's no wonder that the world of guitar playing begins to seem more like a giant puzzle rather than a well defined musical highway.

Here's a demand to ponder. When is a beginner no longer a beginner? Is there some private ceremony that is conducted by the guitar spirits thus, presenting one with a certificate proclaiming that an intermediate guitar player has now entered the room? Is there a local college professor who proclaims one an intermediate player due to his/her subjective view on levels of musicianship? possibly there is. possibly there is not. Are there authentically levels of musicianship? In short, yes. However, this view is nothing to be concerned with at this stage of the game. Let's just drop the labels and progress.


More than likely, many guitarists are left to improve on their own. Many cannot attend college or an organize geared for the guitarist. However, progressing doesn't mean that one has to enroll in the local university. Today, there are great guitarists who have never set foot in a music classroom. By the way, many of them are generating millions and millions of dollars as a ensue of their own personal improve on the guitar. This is great news. Just think for a moment, personal improve without judgment, labels, or a time frame. This is a winning proposition for all.

For purposes of this article, it is presumed that you have already learned and are playing a few guitar scales, some simple guitar chords (perhaps some difficult guitar chords), and have been learning some of your favorite songs. In other words, you're relatively satisfied with your improve thus far. Further, you've industrialized some good facility and mechanical strength. You're no longer clumsy on the guitar. You're ready to truly progress.

Educating one's self with regard to key signatures is a great place to start. Knowledge of key signatures is essential to one's insight of tonality (tonal centers, etc.). Think of it this way, without knowing what notes, tones, or chords authentically belong to any singular tonality, how can one play the guitar freely without creating a musical train wreck? Guessing is a fool's game. Knowing is a winner's game.

Can millions be made without knowledge of key signatures or music theory? The sass is yes. However, one would have to surround him/herself with very knowledgeable musicians in the recording studio and in creative sessions. The rich and illustrious can afford this type of luxury. I'm betting that most cannot. Schooling is a gorgeous thing folks. Why risk an entire vocation based on a roll of the dice? Don't guess at music, know it.

For those who are not willing to bank on fame and fortune, let's get started on some explanations with regard to key signatures. First, there are fifteen major key signatures. Confident key signatures hire sharp signs (#), and some hire flat signs (b). Now, I have no intention at this juncture to itemize every key signature for you in this article. However, I will give you a few tips on tonality and recognition of key signatures. The rest will be an assignment for you to complete.

The first example we'll study is the key of C major, also referred to as the key of no sharps, no flats. The key of C major does not include any sharp signs or flat signs. All of the notes are natural. Taking this one step further, each and every major scale represents its own respective major key signature. For example, by reciting the notes contained in the C major scale (C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C), we study all of the notes contained in the key of C major. Any other note, is carefully chromatic (does not belong) to the key of C major. For those who are interested, any major scale (Ionian) contains half steps between the 3rd and 4th degrees and also between the 7th and 8th degrees of the major scale. This is the specific criteria for a major scale.

There is a specific order in which sharps or flats are entered into a key signature. In short, there is an order of sharps and an order of flats. The order of sharps is F-C-G-D-A-E, and B. The order of flats is B-E-A-D-G-C, and F. The order for each is all the time from left to right. For example, the key of G major is also referred to as the key of one sharp. In other words, we know that the key of G major contains one sharp sign. What note is going to be sharp? Look at the order of sharps. We match the estimate of letters (notes) from the order of sharps to the estimate of symbols contained in the key signature.

Since the key of G major contains one sharp sign, only one note will be sharp (look at the order of sharps). Because we all the time enter the order of sharps from left to right, what is the first letter (note) that we run in to? F is the answer. Therefore all F's will be sharp in the key of G major. Therefore, the diatonic notes (notes that belong) contained in the G major scale are G-A-B-C-D-E-F#-G. Observation that the F note is sharp. Hence, we now know exactly what notes belong to the key of G major.

The key of D major is also known as the key of two sharps. What two notes will be sharp in the key of two sharps (D major)? Look to the order of sharps. What are the first two letters (notes) in the order of sharps? seeing from left to right at the order of sharps, we study that all F's and C's will be sharp in the key of D major (key of two sharps). We matched the estimate of notes in the order of sharps to the estimate of symbols (sharp signs) contained in the key signature. Two sharp signs, two notes from the order. Therefore, the D major scale is D-E-F#-G-A-B-C#-D. Once again, we've discovered all of the diatonic notes for the key of D major.

Do key signatures that hire flat signs work any differently? The sass is no. The same principle applies. For example, the key of F major is also referred to as the key of one flat. Look at the order of flats. Which note, in the key of F major is flat? That's right, B. Therefore, the F major scale contains the notes F-G-A-Bb-C-D-E-F. All B's are flat. Now, let me by comparison why key signatures will play such an important role in your vocation as a guitarist.

Imagine walking on to a stage with some other very talented musicians. Suddenly, you're in formed that you're to solo in the key of six sharps. The next thing you hear is the drummer clicking off the tempo.

As a guitarist, it's your job to know where every singular note, diatonic to the key of six sharps, is on the entire fingerboard. What if this was your big occasion to audition for the band of your dreams? At this point, all of the fancy guitar videos, that just teach a few licks and tricks, will not help you. A good and solid foundation in guitar law (music theory) will.

The necessity for knowing (not guessing) just gets deeper and deeper, depending upon your goals as a guitarist. Either your goal is to perform, record, arrange, produce, publish Cd's, or to play backyard Bbq's. The more you know about the guitar and music theory, the best you'll become as a guitarist. Once again, this is a winning proposition.

The real challenge for most guitarists, is locating a guitar curriculum that authentically puts it all together. Once one locates the means to the end, the journey will be as it should be; enjoyable.

© 2008 Michael E. Fletcher. All possession Reserved Worldwide.

Guitar For Beginners - Basic Music theory - Key Signatures

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